Hello and welcome to my Cyber security memoirs website. My name is Alexander Akinjayeju, I am a Cyber Security and Risk executive of over two and half decades. In that time I worked on some very interesting projects and met a lot of interesting people across the private, public and voluntary sectors throughout the world.

Over the past 10 - 25 years, the length of time it takes for transformative change to take root in society has dramatically reduced. In this period, the Technology and Cyber world have witnessed a great deal of evolution and disruption ranging from Command line to Graphical user interface, floppy disks to cloud storage, dial up modems on PSTN lines, BMC/Coaxial cables, RJ 45 to fibre optics, batch files and scripts to robotic automation and Artificial intelligence and a lot more besides. We also witnessed the stillbirth of numerous brilliant technologies either because they were too far ahead of their time, lost out to competition, poor packaging or other unknown reasons. Guess what? the end is not in sight just yet! Some hype suggest we are in the throes of the 4th industrial revolution!!

There is no gainsaying that Internetworking underpins the digital infrastructure on which e-commerce, IoT, communications, Internet banking, and a host of other applications and utilities are built. The foundational principles and architecture of the internet and its later iterations such as cloud is Open and Seamless sharing of information and the guarantee of anonymity. The architecture supports broadcast messaging and stateless protocols with no central governance ownership but loosely coupled oversight organisations.

The volume and value of data generated on the internet has spun new industries while making existing ones more efficient and profitable but alas so have the opportunity for mischief and criminality.
The average internet user have no idea or clue about these things and they don’t need to, he/she however needs to trust it in order to partake in the modern society.

Seamless Openness and anonymity is the antithesis to security, secrecy/privacy and access control particularly in the face of the critical infrastructure, e-commerce, IoT, defence and other uses for which the internet have been utilised.

Due to the boundary-less nature of the Internet it falls out of any defined legal jurisdiction, laws are only in recent years being firmed up with new ones being created to deal with computer crimes and illegality in Cyber space. This website is put together to

  • Share my professional memoirs, views and experience over the past 25 years in this interesting space;
  • Share my thoughts on what I think the next 25 to 50 years may bring;
  • Reflect on the world of work and the general impact, the evolution is having on our planet and economies;
  • Share my view on Neuro diversity in the workplace;
  • Provide a platform for exchange of ideas among people of similar ideas and interests to me.

My specialist areas include Cyber Security Risk management and Data governance, Data Protection and Privacy. I also have interest in innovation and general digital technology such as Robotic Automation and Artificial Intelligence among other things. I am available for consultancy work as well as speaking engagements

As a high functioning Neurodivergent, I have a keen interest in ASD and ADHD, and how we can use technology to get better outcomes and improve the quality of lives and contribution to society of individuals with special needs.

The aim is to educate, entertain and inspire.

I value your feedback and opinions so would appreciate your comments from time to time. Please keep it clean.

Join my mailing list and follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The views expressed on this site are 100% mine, they have no bearing on my professional associates or any organisation I work for.

Thank you


Cyber Security Risk Memoirs